Business texts have the uncanny ability to show up when you least expect them. Sometimes during lunch or 4:59 PM on a Friday. But in a worst-case scenario, they show up in the middle of the night.
The last thing you want is to ignore your customers — because if they don’t get an answer, they might go to a competitor. But you also don’t want to text back and forth at night with them.
So what’s the easiest solution? Sending after-business-hours text messages (aka auto-reply texts).
We rounded up 30 of the best auto-reply templates so you can automatically respond to calls and texts off the clock. We also break everything down into separate use cases and then show you the best platform for sending auto-response templates.
But first:
Here’s how after-hours auto-replies work
An after-business-hours text message — sometimes referred to as an out-of-office text message or an auto-reply — is an automatic message you can send through a business phone service (like OpenPhone). When someone contacts your company after hours, they’ll automatically receive a templated text. This text should provide important information, such as when you’ll follow up with them, when your business is open, or how to reach you during an emergency.
Depending on your business phone system, you can also check your shared inbox to catch up once you’re back in the office (e.g., how many auto-replies have been sent and who has replied). That way, you can quickly respond to missed calls by text, answer critical questions, or pass off conversations to your customer support team.
After-hours auto-replies make it easy to set expectations with customers. So what’s the hardest part? Knowing what to write.
Keep reading for 30 auto-reply templates you can use to get started.
General after-business-hours text message templates
Here are some universal text message templates for setting expectations:
Hello, you’ve reached [business name]. We’re currently unavailable, but we’ve received your message. Our team will review it promptly and respond once we’re back in the office on [date/time]. Thank you for your patience.
Hey [customer name], thanks for reaching out! You just missed us — our business hours are [insert hours here], and we’ll respond as soon as we’re back. Have anything urgent? Shoot us an email at [emergency email address]. Talk soon.
Out-of-office text message examples
Once you’re out for the day, you can automatically respond to after-hours calls, texts, and voicemails with a short message explaining when you’ll be back.
Here are a couple of options:
Hello, this is [your name] from [your business]. I’m currently out of the office and will return on [date]. If you need immediate assistance, please contact [alternative contact person/department] at [contact information]. Thank you for understanding.
Hey — just got your message! I’m out of the office and will be back on [date]. If you need something ASAP, holler at [alternative contact/info]. I’ll respond to you personally once I’m back.
💡If you use shared numbers in OpenPhone, you can temporarily provide a colleague with shared access to a phone number to cover when you’re out of the office.
Use case-specific after-hours texts
Need a more specific message?
Here are after-hours text templates for specific scenarios:
Making, canceling, and rescheduling appointments
Maybe your customer needs to cancel an appointment, or maybe they’re trying to change the date or time after receiving an appointment confirmation text. You can use this template to let them know you’re unavailable and how they can access your calendar and cancellation policy.
Hi [customer name], thanks for reaching out! Our office is currently closed, but you can book, cancel, or reschedule your appointment at any time using our online booking system here: [insert booking link]. We’ll confirm updates during business hours: [date/time].
Hey there! We’re out of the office right now, but you can still book, cancel, or reschedule your appointment anytime here: [insert booking link]. We’ll check it and confirm once we’re back during business hours [date/time]. Appreciate you!
💡Related: Appointment Reminder Texts
After-hours maintenance or repairs
If a client requires emergency support once you’re closed, you can automate this message, explaining the steps they should take to get assistance.
Hi [customer name], thanks for contacting [company name]. Our office is currently closed, but if you have urgent maintenance or repair needs, please call our 24/7 emergency line at [emergency phone number]. For non-urgent matters, feel free to leave a message or email us at [email address], and we’ll get back to you during business hours [date/time].
Hey [customer name]! We’re closed right now — but we’ll be here to help as soon as we’re back. If it’s an emergency, call our 24/7 line at [emergency phone number]. If not, drop us a message or email us at [email address], and we’ll get back to you during business hours [date/time].
Sales inquiries
When customers or potential leads contact you after hours, you should acknowledge their interest, let them know you’ll get back to them as soon as possible, and provide them with next steps. Here are some examples:
Hi [customer name], thank you for your interest in [your business/services]. Our team is currently unavailable, but you can explore more about what we offer here: [website link]. A sales representative will reach out to you during business hours [date/time] to assist further.
Just got your message [customer name] — glad we piqued your interest! One of our team members will follow up with you during business hours ([date/time]). In the meantime, you can find detailed information about our services on our website: [website link]. Chat soon!
💡Related: Sales Text Message Examples
Technical support
If someone’s contacting technical support after hours, they’re probably already frustrated or angry. Having to wait for a reply could add fuel to the fire — so your auto-reply should provide them with helpful resources (or at least an alternative way to get help while they wait).
Below are examples you can use:
Hi [customer name], thank you for reaching out to [company name]! Our team is currently away, but you can find answers to common questions and technical support in our product documentation here: [link to documentation]. For immediate help, please use our 24/7 support system at [contact method]. We’ll follow up with you during business hours [date/time] if needed.
Hi [customer name], you’ve just missed us! Our office is closed until [date/time]. But no worries: we’re still here to help. You can access our support resources anytime at [documentation link]. Plus, our 24/7 support is available at [contact method] for urgent needs. Your message is important to us, so we’ll get back to you ASAP during regular business hours [date/time].
Customer support
Clear and friendly communication can make all the difference when customers need support after hours. Here are some templates to set them at ease:
Hi [customer name], we’ve received your inquiry and appreciate you reaching out. We are closed right now but will respond when we’re back during our business hours [date/time]. Thank you for your patience.
Hey there! You’ve reached the support squad, but we’re currently offline. Our business hours are [date/time], and we’ll dive into your question(s) as soon as we’re back at our desks. Sit tight, and don’t worry — we’ve got you covered!
💡Related: Customer Service Text Examples
Order updates
With the magic of auto-replies, it’s never been easier to keep shoppers in the loop. Here’s a template you can use for juggling order update requests (and keeping an open line of customer communication):
Hi [customer name], Thank you for contacting us about your order. We’ll check on the stock status and get back to you by [time/date]. If there’s anything else you’d like us to know, feel free to reply.
Hi [customer name], thanks for reaching out! We’re not at our desks right now, but don’t worry — we’ll check on your order and get back to you by [time/date]. If there’s anything else we should know, just reply — we’re already in ‘get-it-done’ mode!
After-business-hours text message templates for specific industries
Need automated text messages for specific industries?
Here are some options to set customer expectations.
Home services
Whether you’re a plumbing professional or an HVAC tech, you’ll probably get messages from customers with emergency situations. No need to interrupt your sleep through — auto-replies can provide the help they need.
First, set expectations explaining that your office is closed, and then follow up with an emergency number (if you have one).
Here are some options to get you started:
We’re glad to hear from you! Our offices are currently closed until [date/time]. If this is an emergency that can’t wait (such as a burst pipe or no heat), please call our after-hours line at [emergency phone number]. For non-urgent matters, please leave a message, and we’ll return your call during regular business hours [date/time]. Thank you for your business.
Thanks for reaching out! Our team is currently off-duty, but don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. If this is an emergency — like a leak that won’t quit or an AC that’s gone rogue — please call our after-hours line at [emergency phone number]. For non-urgent issues, leave us a message, and we’ll get back to you during regular business hours [date/time]. Thanks for trusting us with your home — we’ll talk soon!
💡Related: Set Up Conditional Call Forwarding for after hours
Delivery services
The holiday season dramatically increases delivery times for customers — and there might be a flood of them asking for details while you’re off the clock.
With this in mind, here are some message templates to assist them after hours.
“You’ve reached the fulfillment department at [business name]. Please be advised that we are currently closed. You can monitor your delivery progress via this link: [tracking link]. If you have further questions, we’ll get back to you when our office reopens on [date/time]. We appreciate your business.”
You’ve reached the fulfillment department at [business name]. Please be advised that we are currently closed. You can monitor your delivery progress via this link: [tracking link]. If you have further questions, we’ll get back to you when our office reopens on [date/time]. We appreciate your business.
Hey [customer name]! We’re not around right now, but your delivery is still on the move. You can track its adventures here: [tracking link]. If you need more help, we’ll be back during business hours [date/time].
Real estate
In real estate, the work never seems to stop — but you’re not a robot! Thankfully, you can use these templates to let customers know you’re out (and what they can do while waiting for you to respond).
Hi [customer name], thank you for your inquiry! Our office is currently closed, but you can view available listings on our website here: [website link]. If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to answer them when we get back to you during business hours [date/time].
Hey hey [customer name], thanks for your interest in [real estate agency name]! I’m currently out for the day but will return on [date/time]. In the meantime, you can read about new market trends and neighborhood info in [location] on our blog at [blog link]. For personalized assistance, I’ll respond to your message during business hours.
Caregiving services
From senior care to in-home caregiving, both patients and their families want clear and timely information. That’s where the magic of auto-replies comes in: you can offer reassurance and timely information even while off the clock.
Below are two examples to consider:
Hi [customer name], thank you for reaching out to [caregiving service name]. Our office is currently closed, but if you’d like more information about our senior in-home care services, please visit our website at [website link] or leave us a message. If you are a current customer and need emergency assistance, please contact [communication channel]. For non-urgent matters, we will be in touch during business hours [date/time].
Hi [customer name], I am so grateful you reached out to [caregiving service name]! While I’m out for the day, you can explore our range of caregiving options or submit a service request through our website here: [website link]. If you’re an existing patient and need urgent help, you can get help at [communication channel]. Either way, I’ll follow up personally during normal business hours [date/time]. Can’t wait to chat soon!
Medical emergencies can’t always wait until business hours — so it’s vital to offer clear instructions during emergency situations.
Try these templates on for size:
You’ve reached the office of [medical practice name]. Our team is unavailable outside regular business hours. For immediate medical assistance, please contact [emergency hotline number] or call 911. If this is not urgent, please leave a message, book an appointment online at [booking link], or wait for us to call you back during business hours [date/time].
Hi there! You’ve reached [medical practice]. Our team is currently off-duty recharging for another day of providing medical care. We’ll get back to you during our regular hours [date/time], but in the meantime, relax — we’re here for you! If it’s something urgent, leave us a message, and we’ll respond as soon as we can. Talk soon, and take care!
Professional services
Receiving sensitive business communication after hours can be stressful, so you’ll need auto-replies to do two things: maintain professionalism and set clear expectations.
These examples might spark your inspiration:
Hello [client name], thank you for contacting [business name]. Our office is currently closed, but we’ve received your message and will get back to you during business hours ([date/time]). If this is urgent, please email us at [email address] or call [emergency phone number].
Just got your message, [name]! We’re currently closed until [date/time], but rest assured we’ll respond as soon as possible during our regular hours. If you need something ASAP, hop over to email to [emergency contact]. Chat soon!
Can’t escape the onslaught of holiday texts? With auto-replies, you can still enjoy the season without losing your sanity. When customers reach out about orders after hours, you can use an autoresponder to provide clear next steps.
Here are some templates to get you started:
Hi [customer name], thanks for reaching out to [business name]! While we’re currently unavailable, you can check the details of your order using this link: [tracking link]. For urgent matters, please contact [alternative contact info]. Our team will assist you as soon as possible during business hours [date/time].
“Hey there! Thanks for reaching out to [company name]. We’re currently away, likely restocking shelves or taste-testing office snacks. We’ll get back to you during business hours ([date/time]). In the meantime, why not check out our website? Chat soon!”
Hey there! Thanks for reaching out to [company name]. We’re currently away, likely restocking shelves or taste-testing office snacks. We’ll get back to you during business hours ([date/time]). In the meantime, why not check out our website? Chat soon!
How to set up auto-reply text messages in OpenPhone
Ready to start sending automated texts?
Here’s how you can do this in 15 minutes or less with OpenPhone:
- In the OpenPhone web or desktop app, tap Settings.
- Under Workspace, tap Phone Numbers, and tap the phone number you want to add auto-replies to.
- Scroll down to Auto-Replies and go to the After business hours section.
- Here, you can set up auto-replies for text messages, missed calls with voicemail, and missed calls without voicemail. Simply tap the relevant trigger.
- Enter your message, and click Save.
That’s it — you’re ready to rumble!
You can change your settings or add new templates at any time.
OpenPhone: The best phone system for sending after-business-hours text messages
Automatic replies make any business look polished and professional (even if you don’t always feel that way). And the best part is, they don’t have to break the bank. Business phone providers like OpenPhone offer auto-replies on every plan.
Of course, automatic replies are just one thing you can do with OpenPhone. We make it easy to support your customers where it counts, which means you can:
- Answer messages faster. With snippets (aka templated messages), you can easily make boilerplates that answer common FAQs. That way, you can quickly respond to frequent customer inquiries and make sure your team continues speaking the same language across all channels.
- Draft and schedule texts in advance. You can use OpenPhone’s scheduled text feature to queue up messages in your customer’s time zone. This means you can queue up texts during office hours without bothering customers outside their business day.
- Generate message responses on the fly. If you’re not sure how to respond to sensitive messages, you can use AI to brainstorm message responses. This makes it easy to respond in a pinch and boosts your response times to trickier messages.
- Share phone numbers with your coworkers. With OpenPhone, all team members can share responsibility for incoming messages and calls. They all receive the same notifications for calls, texts, and voicemails. That way, there’s always someone around to pick up the phone and tag-team responses so nothing falls through the cracks.
- Keep coworkers in the loop. You can use threads and mentions to tag teammates in customer conversations. This makes it easy to collaborate on tricky messages, delegate tasks to your team, or give context to supervisors and managers.
Ready to try our features for free?
Sign up for OpenPhone to start sending business hours text messages (plus much, much more).
A ‘good’ automated response should greet the sender, let them know you’re out of the office, and set expectations for when you’ll respond. You should try to make this as short and sweet as possible — and you’re welcome to play around with the voice and tone.
First things first, don’t make promises you can’t keep. Be sure to give a range of business hours that reasonably fit your workflow. You might also want to stick with SMS since some customers can’t receive MMS on their devices. Remember: emojis in texts count as MMS, so it’s best to avoid these until after the conversation gets started.
An out-of-office text message is an automatic text that replies to missed calls, texts, and voicemails. The goal is to set clear expectations for your contacts and provide a solid time frame for when you’ll respond. With the right solution it isn’t just standalone missed call text back software, but a suite of auto-reply options based on when a contact reaches out to you and whether they do so by call or text.
Yes. With OpenPhone, you can queue up messages in your customer’s time zone and automatically send messages even while off the clock.