Whether you like it or not, your email inbox has become a to-do list of sorts. That’s where you get updates on things you’re working on, have conversations with colleagues and customers, and consume all kinds of information. If your inbox is so key to your workflow, wouldn’t it be cool if you could get relevant voicemail transcripts and text messages there as well?
That’s why we’ve made it possible to integrate your email with OpenPhone. Here we’ll walk you through connecting your phone to email.
1. Get your OpenPhone number
If you have an OpenPhone number, feel free to skip this step. Otherwise, here’s how you can get started.
- Sign up here to start your free trial; you can enter your email or choose Google Sign In
- Pick your OpenPhone number
- Enter your credit card to start the trial. You can cancel anytime and won’t be charged until after the trial
2. Connect OpenPhone to Email
- Go to Phone Numbers in your OpenPhone Admin Dashboard ⤴️
- Select your OpenPhone number
- Click on Add next to Email
- Add email addresses you’d like to connect to OpenPhone. You can add multiple recipients here. By default, the email address on your OpenPhone account will be notified.
3. Select OpenPhone events to get notified about
You can modify which events you’ll be notified about. Click on Select Events in your OpenPhone Admin Dashboard. By default, you’ll be notified about voicemail, text messages, and missed calls.
That’s it. Now you can now get your OpenPhone voicemail, text messages and missed calls via email.