Get a Washington, DC local phone number

OpenPhone lets you activate phone numbers in Washington, DC area codes in minutes. Best of all, plans start at just $15 per user per month.
Get a Washington

Washington, DC phone numbers

Choose a Washington, DC phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Another way to help facilitate your business's success in this state is to use local numers.

With a local Washington, DC phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a solid foothold in this state.

What Washington, D.C. area codes are available?

Use OpenPhone to find Washington, D.C. phone numbers as you need for your business. You can also select numbers from other states throughout the US, cities in Canada, or toll-free numbers in North America.
You can reach people from the following area code numbers in the Washington, D.C. metro area:


Area served

The North American Numbering Plan in 1947 assigned this original area code to Washington, D.C., in 1947. It covers the entire district.
Maryland's west and panhandle, it includes all Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C., and cities like Germantown, Silver Spring, Waldorf, Frederick, Rockville, Bethesda, and Gaithersburg.
Virginia's Washington, D.C. suburbs, this area code includes cities like Arlington, Alexandria, Centreville, Dale City, and Reston.
Washington, D.C.'s overlay area code serves all the areas of the district alongside area code 202.

Port an existing Washington, DC number.

Already have an Washington, DC phone number you want to use with OpenPhone? Submit your porting request through the OpenPhone app. You can also port any other US, Canadian, or North American toll-free number to your OpenPhone Account.

How to get a Washington, DC number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city or area code to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why your business needs a Washington, D.C. phone number

Washington, D.C. is increasingly a privatized town, with less than 20% of workers on the government payroll. Many private companies work with government contracts, from research to technology and security. The hospitality and tourism industries are booming, too.

Ultimately, the federal government drives private business growth in Washington, D.C. For example, over 500 printing companies in Washington, D.C., capitalize on the federal government’s expansive need for documents. There are lobbyists, researchers, and organizations headquartered here that focus on providing policy information to representatives. With monuments, museums, and embassies, a host of businesses support the needs of the government and its representatives.

The startup scene in Washington, D.C., is expanding with opportunities that capitalize on the proximity of research and policy organizations (as well as Washington D.C.’s proximity to much of the east coast).

Some accelerators and incubators helping startups are:
  • Washington, D.C. Founder Institute

    A cohort-based startup incubator with a semester-based program. It offers mentorship to pre-seed founders. While the incubator charges students, its alumni have the skills to acquire over $1.5 billion in funding.

  • 1863 Programs

    With multiple programs for entrepreneurs of color, 1863 has instruction, but also ongoing mentorship, for new companies. With over $6 million in capital raised in equity investment, its companies are dominating the Beltway.

  • CivStart

    Community-minded businesses that aim to market to state and local government markets find a unique program in this incubator. They offer startups the chance to pick expert brains, attend demo day, get access to customer research, and court funding.

  • FedTech

    Its startup studios pair new businesses with lean startup business education and help procuring government grants and making investor pitches. They focus on validating business models and offer invaluable exposure to new markets, like the government and military.

  • Founders Boost

    This incubator has helped companies raise $100 million in funding for more than 1250 pre-seed founders. With a global presence, they offer far-reaching networking opportunities and extensive mentoring partnerships.

  • PeaceTech Accelerator

    Data, media, and tech entrepreneurs hoping to advance anti-conflict causes find a unique program in PeaceTech. Alumni include companies working in areas from agriculture supply chain efficiency to predictive AI.

Why you should sign up for a Washington, DC number through OpenPhone

Get started in minutes

Call and text from any computer or smart device without needing to buy extra hardware.

Save on all your communications

Save time on all communications.

Collaborate and share access

Share your number with teammates to send and receive calls and texts from that number.

Stay aligned

All calls, texts, and voicemail are in a single view so it’s easy to catch up conversations.

Automatically send texts

Respond back faster to your business contacts and automate routine text messages with auto-replies, snippets, and more.

Businesses love OpenPhone

OpenPhone is the #1 phone system on G2 as voted by other businesses.

Start using local Washington, DC phone numbers with OpenPhone

A business number from Washington, DC, builds trust and professionalism. Use OpenPhone’s VoIP phone system to get started today. You can access all the features that helped OpenPhone get the top business phone rating on G2.

To get a local Washington, DC phone number using OpenPhone today, sign up for a free trial.

Frequently asked questions

List of all area codes