OpenPhone helps business owners start their businesses in local areas like area code 502. You can sign up for a phone number that lets you look local no matter where you travel and build loyalty with residents. You’ll be part of the neighborhood, calling from a familiar area code shows you’re committed to the community. A local phone number also makes it easier to get through to residents. It’s more convenient to place a local call — it’s more intriguing to pick up a local call, too.
Your business can benefit from a local phone number if you serve local customers. You look knowledgeable about local norms, from real estate to slab grading. For many small businesses, having a local presence instills trust.
There’s plenty that makes area code 502 unique. Here are some of the most important details you need to know:
Area code 502 covers: Louisville, Frankfort, Shelbyville, Bardstown, and most of north-central Kentucky. Its main city is Louisville, Kentucky. If you head to Louisville, you’ll be among the 246,161 residents of this area code’s biggest town.
This area code touches 15 other codes. It also borders 15 other counties, including Jefferson, Bullitt, Oldham, Franklin, Scott, Nelson, Shelby, Anderson, Spencer, and Hardin counties. Nearby area codes are 270/364 (Bowling Green, KY), 606 (Ashland, KY), 812/930 (Evansville, IN), 859 (Lexington-Fayette, KY), and 937 (Dayton, OH).
With a local 502 phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a foothold in the Louisville, KY area.
Any good snapshot of area code 502 includes details on its economy and business climate. From population change to new business starts, the story of an area is told by who stays, where they work, and how often they start new businesses. We were curious about the biggest players and the people they serve, so we collected some statistics to help you get to know the area. Here’s what we found:
Area code 502 is in Eastern Standard Time. Its major county is Jefferson County, KY which has an unemployment rate of 6.8%. In Louisville, the average household makes $76,735 annually. The city’s population remained the same from 2019 to 2020.
New businesses are sprouting up everywhere. New business applications were up 28.00% from 2019 to 2020. Of those who launch a new venture, an estimated 79.10% will survive in the state of Kentucky.
New businesses are part of industries like the top ten employers in Louisville: Humana, UPS, Jefferson County Public Schools, Norton Healthcare, University of Louisville, Ford Motor Company, Kroger, Amazon, Louisville Metro Government, US Army.
Existing industries build on a rich history in the area. According to, the top three industries for the city of Louisville are:
New businesses can join them with a virtual phone number from OpenPhone. Start calling and texting in a few minutes from area code 502 when you sign up for a free trial of OpenPhone.
Try out calling and texting with an area code tied to this flourishing region and confirm OpenPhone is a great fit for your business by starting a free seven-day trial of OpenPhone.
See which specific 502 phone numbers are available and claim your own Louisville, KY number by signing up for a free trial. Here’s how it works: using our service, you can easily set up your local phone number without the need to install any additional hardware. Easily download and install our app, and find the right numbers for your business.
Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.
Obtain a local 502 phone number easily in 502, 502. Or port your existing phone number over with no service interruptions. It takes just minutes and is done for you. Once your number is activated, OpenPhone works on any device. Get a phone number and start calling and texting quickly, managing your conversations from an easy-to-use inbox. OpenPhone has apps you can access from a tablet, computer, or smartphone.
OpenPhone works from almost anywhere across the globe, so you can travel or live overseas — and still appear local. Chat with clients across state borders or from a coworking space across continents. All it takes is an internet connection.
Don’t live in the area code that you want a number for? No problem. You can still use your number anywhere without incurring typical long-distance charges. Calling and texting to any US or Canadian number is free with OpenPhone.
Even if you’re working on the road, you can keep conversations organized and professional with OpenPhone. When you’re off, you can automatically mute business notifications after hours.
Easily add a phone menu, caller ID, and business voicemail greetings. That way, you can make a great impression on callers. While your business ID helps customers recognize your calls, your private number is always safe. Just because you’re using a personal device doesn’t mean your cell phone number is visible to customers. Incoming calls to your device show as an OpenPhone number so you can easily see what’s for work and what isn’t.
Sign up for multiple OpenPhone numbers, and always know which calls to your cell phone are for which specific OpenPhone numbers, or are personal.
Get as many phone numbers as your business needs. Spin up new numbers in an instant to expand to new markets or assign any number to a specific teammate. Any numbers are ready to use without visiting a store or sitting on hold with customer service.
Your team can split the responsibility of answering incoming calls and messages by working from a shared number. When you share access, your team can stay aligned and work together to address messages. Assign out tasks and collaborate using threads. And stay responsive in record time by saving go-to message templates as snippets for common queries.
With a local business telephone number in area code 502, it’s easy to appear local and expand your company’s presence in the region. Support your growth by using OpenPhone, the #1 business phone solution on G2.
Michael Seibel CEO at Y Combinator
Jason Ovryn Co-founder & COO at Carry