347 area code

Get a New York, New York local phone number

Get a new phone number instantly and start making calls in New York using OpenPhone. With a local 347 area code, your new business phone number is ready to dial customers, receive calls, and send unlimited texts. With OpenPhone, you don’t need a new device, a contract, or even a trip to the store to be up and running. You can start to grow a local presence in New York — no matter where you are — with a new 347 phone number you can use from anywhere.

OpenPhone plans start at just $15 per user per month.

347 phone number

In 2017, Manhattan expanded its area codes to serve the growing number of phone numbers needed in the nation’s biggest city. With all that phone traffic, establishing a local presence can help residents recognize your business is a hometown staple, not a national company. Having a local number helps customers see which areas you serve and feel confident you’re in their corner and neighborhood. That helps your business establish loyalty in the city.

Important facts

Area code 347 covers some of New York City’s major boroughs including the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and Marble Hill. The major city it covers is New York City, NY.

With a population of 8,804,190, it makes sense area code NY is one overlay for this crowded urban jungle. It serves as an overlay for area code 718 and provides service to the same area. Another overlay area code is 929.

This area code touches one county: New York, New York. However, you can find a few nearby area codes, like 201/551 (Jersey City, NJ), 914 (Yonkers, NY), and 917 (New York, NY).

Choose your business phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Use local numbers to help your business succeed.

With a local 347 phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a foothold in the New York, NY area.

Booming business: Quick stats for area code 347

While you’re waiting “on line” and noshing on $1 pizza slices, you may notice that New York City’s population has sagged a little from 2019 to 2020. It’s technically down .24%, but small enough to show Manhattan’s economic core is still a force, with plenty of resources to help millions of business owners and customers find one another.

In the city, the average household income is $107,000, and NYC’s extensive boroughs allow residents the potential to earn more as they start building businesses here in the Eastern Standard Time Zone.

From the Astors to the LeFrak Organization, New York’s economic backbone might seem to be real estate. The reality is much more diverse.

While just about every industry is in the city that never sleeps, the top three sectors in New York, according to the census, are:

Educational services, and health care and social assistance

Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services

Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing

Employers span many industries, but we must admit, banking and finance are represented well in this financial capital of the U.S. Here are the top ten employers in New York City: NYC Department of Education, Citi, Morgan Stanley, Verizon, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, JPMorgan Chase & Co., IBM, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Amazon.

These employers account for thousands of jobs in New York. However, they don’t erase joblessness in the city. New York County, where the city of New York sits, has an unemployment rate of 9.5%.

Some of the unemployed may look to start a new business. Though business applications for new companies fell 2% from 2019 to 2020, the startup survival rate is high at 77%. There’s still plenty to celebrate in this bustling city where startup resources, customers, and economic prosperity are never far away.

With a local business telephone number in area code 347, it’s easy to appear local and expand your company’s presence in the region. Best of all, you can use your new phone number from anywhere via your laptop, computer, smartphone, or tablet. Support your growth with a free 7-day trial of OpenPhone and get a New York number now.

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Try out calling and texting with an area code tied to this flourishing region and confirm OpenPhone is a great fit for your business by starting a free seven-day trial of OpenPhone.

Whether you're looking for a local New York or North American toll-free number, getting started is simple.

See which specific 347 phone numbers are available and claim your own New York, NY number by signing up for a free trial. Here’s how it works: using our service, you can easily set up your local phone number without the need to install any additional hardware. Easily download and install our app, and find the right numbers for your business.

How to get a 347 phone number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city (New York, NY) or area code (347) to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why do businesses sign up for a virtual 347 number with OpenPhone

Frequently asked questions about 347 phone numbers

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