Get a local Louisiana phone number

Sign up on OpenPhone to get a local Louisiana phone number in minutes. Plans start at just $15 per user per month and include unlimited calling and texting to anyone in the US or Canada.
Get a local Louisiana phone number - OpenPhone

Louisiana phone numbers

There are many advantages to getting a Louisiana phone number for your business. With the right number to reach Louisianans, you can:

Choose a Louisiana phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Another way to help facilitate your business's success in this state is to use local numers.

With a local Louisiana phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a solid foothold in this state.

What Louisiana area code numbers are still available?

At OpenPhone, you can add many Louisiana phone numbers for your company, along with Canada, North American toll-free, or other numbers in states across the US You can also choose numbers based on their area code.
The following are some of the Louisiana area codes you can add using OpenPhone:


Area served

This area code covers the Baton Rouge area, along with areas of south-central Louisiana.
This Louisiana area code covers Shreveport, Alexandria, Bossier City, Monroe, and other parts of northern Louisiana.
This number reaches locals in southwestern Louisiana, including Lafayette and Lake Charles.
Connect with customers in the New Orleans area, including Kenner, with this area code.
This area code reaches areas of southeast Louisiana that don't fall under the 504 area code, including Covington and Houma.

Port an existing Louisiana number.

Already have an Louisiana phone number you want to use with OpenPhone? Submit your porting request through the OpenPhone app. You can also port any other US, Canadian, or North American toll-free number to your OpenPhone Account.

How to get a Louisiana number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city or area code to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why your business should get a Louisiana phone number

Businesses across all industries have the chance to flourish in Louisiana. Some of the leading industries in this state include manufacturing, real estate, professional and business services, education, retail, and construction. Other top sectors across the state include wholesale trade, finance, mining, and arts and entertainment.

To help your business get off the ground and scale in Louisiana, there are plenty of incubators and accelerators available to support your company’s growth.

Some of the state's top accelerators and incubators include:
  • IdeaGist

    This incubator is a collaboration platform that allows people to share and expand on new ideas, giving people, communities, and businesses the chance to collaborate.

  • The Idea Village

    This New Orleans-based incubator is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting local startups and the people behind them.

  • BRF's The Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program

    This is an accelerator with a focus on businesses in North Louisiana, with the goal of helping diversify and grow the economy in this region.

  • Nexus Louisiana Tech Park

    This accelerator serves as a hub for tech startups in Louisiana and provides these companies with the resources they need to excel.

These and other incubators and accelerators can help businesses of all types succeed, in addition to local Louisiana phone numbers.

Why you should sign up for a Louisiana number through OpenPhone

Get started in minutes

Call and text from any computer or smart device without needing to buy extra hardware.

Save on all your communications

Save time on all communications.

Collaborate and share access

Share your number with teammates to send and receive calls and texts from that number.

Stay aligned

All calls, texts, and voicemail are in a single view so it’s easy to catch up conversations.

Automatically send texts

Respond back faster to your business contacts and automate routine text messages with auto-replies, snippets, and more.

Businesses love OpenPhone

OpenPhone is the #1 phone system on G2 as voted by other businesses.

Get the local Louisiana phone numbers you need for your business

With local Louisiana phone numbers, you can reach local folks and more easily gain their trust. Get the most from your virtual phone system by using OpenPhone. OpenPhone lets you save time on all your routine communication and easily see the full context of all your conversations. As the modern business phone solution, OpenPhone is one of the most reliable tools available and can seamlessly integrate with existing hardware.

To get started, sign up for a free trial on OpenPhone today.

Frequently asked questions

List of all area codes