781 area code

Get a Boston, Massachusetts local phone number

Call and text customers in Boston, MA, with a dedicated business phone number in area code 781. All you need is your favorite device and an internet connection using OpenPhone— you won’t need to buy a new cell phone, visit a store, or sign a contract. You can set up a local area code 781 number in minutes, then customize voice greetings, business hours, and contacts to begin serving your customers with OpenPhone. Wherever you call and text from, you always appear local in area code 781.

Plans start at just $15 per user per month.

781 phone number

Bostonians like things on their own turf. So if you want to fit in, don’t try to tax the tea, remember to run by Dunkie’s, and make sure to get a local MA phone number. It helps set you apart as a local with roots in Red Sox nation. Locals prefer doing business with businesses they know and can trust rather than large, national companies. So if your business involves targeting local residents, you build loyalty by establishing a presence in this historical city. Grab yourself some scrod and chips, and you fit right in.
Are you just starting to explore a presence in the town sometimes called the Cradle of Liberty? Here are some of the local facts about area code MA:

Important facts

In area code MA, that means the capital of Boston, plus Cambridge, Quincy, Newton, Everett, and the nearby suburbs ringing the central city. The principal city covered is Boston, with a population of 675,647 residents. This area code is overlaid by area code 339, Boston’s original area code. Both share the city’s footprint from the western suburbs to Massachusetts Bay.

This area code touches five total counties. Those counties are Norfolk, MA, Middlesex, MA, Suffolk, MA, Plymouth, MA, and Essex, MA.

You can find nearby area codes all around the city, including 351/978 (Lowell, MA), 401 (Providence, RI), 508/774 (Worcester, MA), and 617/MA (Boston, MA).

Get a vanity phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Use local numbers to help your business succeed.

With a local 781 phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a foothold in the Boston, MA area.

781: Books and banks: Boston’s economy and current growth area code 781

While this Eastern Standard Time city is best known for its history of tricorn hats and colonial fighters, it’s not stuck in the past. Boston’s business climate is tech-forward, and the city’s creative and bustling atmosphere is evident in every corner of the city.

If you’re involved in these top three industries, according to census.gov, you have plenty of company in Boston:

Educational services, and health care and social assistance

Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services

Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing

When Harvard University first put down roots here in 1636, its founders couldn’t have known they were starting a trend. But today, a long line of Bostonians enjoys the multiple educational institutions that all call Boston home, from MIT to Boston College and Boston University. Educational services is still the top industry in the area, along with financial services.

You also find yourself in the hub of economic activity for all New England. Some of the biggest employers are located right here in Boston. Unsurprisingly, education mixes with some top companies employing Bostonians: Massachusetts General Hospital, Fidelity Investments, Harvard University, Brigham And Women’s Hospital, State Street, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Commonwealth Of Massachusetts, and Boston University.

In Boston’s Suffolk County, unemployment is 9.7%. Some unemployed may want to start a business (or seek jobs with other growing startups). They’re in good company. New business applications are up 3% from 2019 to 2020, and the state’s startup survival rate is a robust 80.50%. It might be all that educational support.

Boston’s economic mix supports an average household income of $113,307. That hasn’t kept the city growing—from 2019 to 2020, the city’s population fell by 0.18%. However, the suburbs and greater Boston area continue to grow. And its reputation for smarts, its prestigious marathon, and its sports fervor has meant Boston continues to draw new ventures to its existing resources.

A new business phone number in Boston means you can call and text customers today, from the harborfront to the Freedom Trail. Get started with a 7-day free trial from OpenPhone.

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Try out calling and texting with an area code tied to this flourishing region and confirm OpenPhone is a great fit for your business by starting a free seven-day trial of OpenPhone.

Whether you're looking for a local Boston or North American toll-free number, getting started is simple.

See which specific 781 phone numbers are available and claim your own Boston, MA number by signing up for a free trial. Here’s how it works: using our service, you can easily set up your local phone number without the need to install any additional hardware. Easily download and install our app, and find the right numbers for your business.

How to get a 781 phone number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city (Boston, MA) or area code (781) to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why do businesses sign up for a virtual 781 number with OpenPhone

Frequently asked questions about 781 phone numbers

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