Get a local Minnesota phone number

Sign up to add a local business phone number in Minnesota. Plans start at just $15 per user per month, providing you with a cost-effective solution to stay professional with your business contacts.

Minnesota Area Codes

Minnesota phone numbers
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Having a hard time deciding whether or not your business must have a local Minnesota phone number? Here are a few key advantages to using local virtual phone numbers.

Gain locals' trust

A Minnesota phone number for your business helps you build a local footprint that makes you more trustworthy. Most Minnesotans are more receptive to telephone calls if they see a local number with a Minnesota area code number. If you need more numbers for other area codes, OpenPhone lets you add and use numbers — from all around North America — all from the same device.

Reach prospects anytime, anywhere

With Minnesota phone numbers, you can call or text others from any location, at any time. Your team will be able to communicate via these Minnesota numbers using laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets via WiFi. In the office or working remotely, your team can easily use OpenPhone.

Customize accessibility and phone settings

Choose the users you would like to use specific local numbers as shared inboxes or provide teammates unique numbers as direct lines. Changing business phone settings is also flat-out simple. Modify business phone settings such as business hours, voicemail greetings, and phone menus.

Add a sense of professionalism

Many folks tend to perceive businesses with local numbers as more respectable and professional. You can impress prospects with a local phone number, along with custom greetings and menus that help you stand apart. As you scale your business, add as many Minnesota phone numbers as you need. This can make you appear as large as your biggest corporate competitors.
another way to help facilitate illustration

Another way to help facilitate your business's success in this state is to use local numers.

With a local Minnesota phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a solid foothold in this state.

What Minnesota area code numbers are available?

Access and sign up for a wide range of local Minnesota phone numbers using OpenPhone. You don't need to be tied to only one location. We also offer plenty of local numbers across the US and Canada. Easily get started based on your preferred area code.

what area code numbers are available

The following Minnesota area code numbers let you reach people throughout this state:

CodeArea Served
218This area code covers northern Minnesota, including Duluth, Moorhead, and Hibbing.
320This MN area code reaches St. Cloud and other portions of the central part of Minnesota, with the exception of the greater Minneapolis-Saint Paul twin cities area.
507The southern third of Minnesota falls under this area code, covering cities such as Rochester, Mankato, and Worthington.
612This area code covers the city of Minneapolis, along with Fort Snelling, Richfield, and Saint Anthony.
651Areas under this Minnesota area code number include St. Paul, the eastern suburbs in the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area including Maplewood and Mississippi River communities all the way to Wabasha.
763Reach Anoka and other northwestern suburbs of Minneapolis with this area code.

Port an existing
Minnesota number.
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Already have an Minnesota phone number you want to use with OpenPhone? Submit your porting request through the OpenPhone app. You can also port any other US, Canadian, or North American toll-free number to your OpenPhone Account.

How to get a Minnesota number

Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.
Then search by city or area code to select a specific local number.
Verify your account via credit card (you won't be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)
Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.
illustration of greeting through laptop screen

Why your business needs a Minnesota phone number

As the home to 17 Fortune 500 companies, businesses of all types have the ability to succeed in Minnesota. Leading industries in this state include the manufacturing, professional and business services, real estate, educational, healthcare, and finance sectors. In addition, other top sectors include wholesale and retail trade, construction, and arts and entertainment.

A number of incubators and other entrepreneur-friendly programs in Minnesota can also give businesses additional help that fuels their growth.

Some of the many leading accelerators and incubators in Minnesota include:

    • BETA - This is a Minneapolis-based accelerator program that helps early-stage technology founders reach their goals. Specifically, this program offers support and resources, along with business training programs.
    • Gener8tor - This international program helps startups, corporations, universities, and other organizations in the Minneapolis area. Gener8tor hosts conference, accelerator, and pre-accelerator programs to facilitate long-term growth.
    • OnRamp Insurance - For startups in the insurance technology space, OnRamp Insurance offers a 3-month acceleration program. Participants have access to offline space, up to $100k in cash investment, and many other resources.
    • Gary S. Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship - This program helps student entrepreneurs at the University of Minnesota launch their businesses.

These incubators and accelerators can help your business succeed, alongside local Minnesota phone numbers that help reach prospects and existing contacts.

    Why you should sign up for a Minnesota number through OpenPhone

    Get started in minutes illustration
    Get started in minutes

    Call and text from any computer or smart device without needing to buy extra hardware.

    Save on all your communications illustration
    Save on all your communications

    Save time on all communications.

    Collaborate and share access illustration
    Collaborate and share access

    Share your number with teammates to send and receive calls and texts from that number.

    Stay aligned illustration
    Stay aligned

    All calls, texts, and voicemail are in a single view so it's easy to catch up conversations.

    Automatically send texts illustration
    Automatically send texts

    Respond back faster to your business contacts and automate routine text messages with auto-replies, snippets, and more.

    Business love OpenPhone illustration
    Business love OpenPhone

    OpenPhone is the #1 phone system on G2 as voted by other businesses.

    find local illustration mobile

    Find and add local Minnesota phone numbers for your business

    You can easily reach prospects and gain their trust with the help of local phone numbers in Minnesota. To make sure your team can easily use your business phone system, integrate the right virtual phone solution into your operations. OpenPhone is simple to use but unlocks the ability to have the full context of all your work-related conversations.

    To get started, sign up for a free OpenPhone trial today.

    Frequently asked questions about local numbers

    How do I get a local Minnesota phone number?
    Can you buy a local Minnesota phone number?
    What are the Minnesota local area codes?
    Can I forward calls from my Minnesota phone number elsewhere?
    How many Minnesota phone numbers can I have?
    Can I port my existing Minnesota number to OpenPhone?

    List of all area codes in Minnesota

    Just a piece of advice. I used my personal cell number as the company number and I still regret it a decade later (I get so many stupid calls). Don’t do what I did. I wish I had a service like this 10 years ago!

    Michael Seibel
    CEO at Y Combinator

    Join thousands of companies using local phone numbers for
    their business

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