Get a Nebraska local phone number

and save time on all your phone communications using OpenPhone’s all-in-one business phone system. $15 per month per user is all you need to get a phone number from OpenPhone.
Get a Nebraska local phone number - OpenPhone

Nebraska phone numbers

Does your business really need a Nebraska phone number? Here are some of the ways your company can benefit from a phone number in the Cornhusker State.

Choose a Nebraska phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Another way to help facilitate your business's success in this state is to use local numers.

With a local Nebraska phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a solid foothold in this state.

What Nebraska local area code numbers are available?

Access all the local Nebraska phone numbers your business needs with OpenPhone. You can also sign up for numbers throughout the United States, Canada, and North American toll-free numbers.
Use these Nebraska area codes to reach locals in any part of the state:


Area served

The most common cities that fall under this area code include Grand Island, Kearney, and North Platte.
Omaha, Bellevue, Columbus, Fremont, Norfolk, and Platte are just a few of the largest areas served by 402.
This prefix serves as an overlay for the 402 area code, serving parts of Omaha, Lincoln, and Bellevue.

Port an existing Nebraska number.

Already have an Nebraska phone number you want to use with OpenPhone? Submit your porting request through the OpenPhone app. You can also port any other US, Canadian, or North American toll-free number to your OpenPhone Account.

How to get a Nebraska number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city or area code to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why your small business needs a Nebraska phone number

corn, livestock, and ethanol. Forestry, fishing, and hunting income in Nebraska are the sixth-largest out of all US States. Apart from its agrarian roots, Nebraska is also heavily involved in the manufacturing industry, generating more than $15.5 billion every year. Finance and insurance are followed by a strong leasing and rental market, particularly near professional and business services. It’s clear that the industries of Nebraska have become a significant market, making a local phone number even more important to growing startups and small businesses.

Helping to lead the charge toward growth are Nebraska’s many accelerators and incubators, helping entrepreneurs in the development of ground-breaking products.

Some Nebraskan accelerators and incubators to keep in mind include:
  • Biotech Connector

    Startups in the commercial life sciences field can benefit most from this incubator. Located on the Nebraska Innovation Campus, the facility provides wet lab space, shared equipment, and WiFi-equipped common rooms. Private lab suites are also available to those needing an IP-free laboratory.

  • Startup Collaborative

    Younger businesses benefit greatly from the Startup Collaborative’s on-demand accelerator program. Their First Customer Network provides small-scale market testing, idea validation, and market viability. Applicants who move into the final stages are matched with an appropriate mentor and group.

  • NMotion

    Startup accelerators like NMotion focus on businesses all across the state. Three programs are available: NMotion Growth Accelerator, NMotion Pre-Accelerator (aka gBETA Lincoln), and NMotion Venture Studio. Successful applicants enjoy funding scholarships, continuing education, and multiple mentorship opportunities.

  • The Combine

    This Lincoln incubator supports a wide variety of food and agricultural tech startups through mentoring and training. They also currently provide access to benefits that include hot desk memberships, business addresses, and the Nebraska Innovation Studio.

Why you should sign up for a Nebraska number through OpenPhone

Get started in minutes

Call and text from any computer or smart device without needing to buy extra hardware.

Save on all your communications

Save time on all communications.

Collaborate and share access

Share your number with teammates to send and receive calls and texts from that number.

Stay aligned

All calls, texts, and voicemail are in a single view so it’s easy to catch up conversations.

Automatically send texts

Respond back faster to your business contacts and automate routine text messages with auto-replies, snippets, and more.

Businesses love OpenPhone

OpenPhone is the #1 phone system on G2 as voted by other businesses.

Get your Nebraska phone number with OpenPhone

Getting a local presence in the state of Nebraska allows your small business to reach more clients than ever before. OpenPhone lets you purchase as many virtual phone numbers as you need in the Cornhusker State. Plus, you can look more professional to customers and streamline your workflow with shared teamwork integrations. A VoIP business phone system from OpenPhone is all you need to get started. Purchase a Nebraska phone number for your business with OpenPhone’s 7-day free trial.

Frequently asked questions

List of all area codes