Get a New Mexico local phone number

Obtain a New Mexico phone number and avoid hidden fees or extra hardware with OpenPhone. Pricing starts at $15 per user per month.

New Mexico Area Codes

New Mexico phone numbers
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Not sure if you need to own a phone number from New Mexico? Here's why your business needs a local New Mexico phone number.

Increase confidence in your business with a New Mexico area code

Localized phone numbers help customers see your business as a credible institution in the Land of Enchantment. Familiar area codes encourage clients to answer the phone and interact with your business more regularly. Should you want a VoIP number in multiple states, simply purchase and use as many US, Canadian, and North American toll-free phone numbers as needed — all from the same device.

Use your New Mexico phone number to communicate from anywhere.

Browser, desktop, iOS, and Android apps allow teams to work in a flexible way. Call and text to any US or Canadian number for free with your New Mexico phone number — from anywhere in the world via WiFi. International calls are also significantly less than traditional long-distance fees.

Give your team access to your New Mexico phone number

Easily work together with your team and build relationships with New Mexican clients with a VoIP phone number. OpenPhone offers flexible plans for any business with synced contacts, internal threads to collaborate on your phone communication, and shared responsibility for calls and texts. Multiple team members can be on separate calls with your telephone number at the same time so the line is never busy.

New Mexico phone numbers boost your professional image

Help your business look more professional to clients across the state. Phone menus and caller ID build confidence and creates better customer experiences. Custom voicemail greetings, call forwarding, and auto responders can also help teams set clear expectations and workflows.
another way to help facilitate illustration

Another way to help facilitate your business's success in this state is to use local numers.

With a local New Mexico phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a solid foothold in this state.

What New Mexico local area code numbers are available?

OpenPhone provides an unlimited amount of 10-digit phone numbers. Pick as many New Mexican local numbers as you'd like, and access Canadian, US, and North American toll-free numbers under the same account.

what area code numbers are available

Connect with locals by choosing any of the following New Mexico area codes:


Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Santa Fe, and Bernalillo are the biggest cities in area code 505.


This three-digit number encompasses Las Cruces, Farmington, and Gallup.

Port an existing
New Mexico number.
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Already have an New Mexico phone number you want to use with OpenPhone? Submit your porting request through the OpenPhone app. You can also port any other US, Canadian, or North American toll-free number to your OpenPhone Account.

How to get a New Mexico number

Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.
Then search by city or area code to select a specific local number.
Verify your account via credit card (you won't be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)
Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.
illustration of greeting through laptop screen

Why your small business needs a New Mexico phone number

New Mexico is a strong supporter of the healthcare and retail industries. They are 8th in the nation for mining oil, ore, and certain metals. The real estate market in New Mexico generates billions of dollars per year as more professional services are established in major areas. Manufacturing and construction industries work to maintain their rapid pace for incoming homeowners. Tourism remains a staple element of the New Mexican economy, and is projected to significantly increase over the next few years. Finance, insurance, and wholesale trade are also significant elements of the New Mexican state economy.

Accelerator and incubator programs are at the forefront of New Mexico's major industries, creating unique spaces that allow ideas and innovations to reach their full potential.

New Mexico accelerators and incubators include:

    • The Navajo Tech Innovation Center (NTIC) - This well known accelerator is primarily focused on institutions specializing in business, community, education, and health. They provide a host of benefits to new organizations that include co-working spaces and networking opportunities. Indigenous American owned startups and small businesses in the Gallup area benefit most from this organization.
    • San Juan College Enterprise Center - The San Juan Enterprise Center provides guidance and incubation opportunities to startups near Farmington. Small businesses specializing in outdoor recreation are given extra attention. Successful applicants have access to business consulting, equipment and workshops, and graphic design studios.
    • South Valley Economic Development Center (SVEDC) - Food industry incubation is the primary objective of SVEDC. The First Step Semilla Program is their most well known acceleration program. Access experienced business mentors and a subsidized training program that lasts six months to a year.
    • WESST Enterprise Center - Businesses in downtown Albuquerque may enjoy access to this incubator specializing in operational support. The program currently offers light industrial space, conference rooms, and a Class 1 Wet Lab. Standard incubation time lasts from 18 months to three years.

    Why you should sign up for a New Mexico number through OpenPhone

    Get started in minutes illustration
    Get started in minutes

    Call and text from any computer or smart device without needing to buy extra hardware.

    Save on all your communications illustration
    Save on all your communications

    Save time on all communications.

    Collaborate and share access illustration
    Collaborate and share access

    Share your number with teammates to send and receive calls and texts from that number.

    Stay aligned illustration
    Stay aligned

    All calls, texts, and voicemail are in a single view so it's easy to catch up conversations.

    Automatically send texts illustration
    Automatically send texts

    Respond back faster to your business contacts and automate routine text messages with auto-replies, snippets, and more.

    Business love OpenPhone illustration
    Business love OpenPhone

    OpenPhone is the #1 phone system on G2 as voted by other businesses.

    find local illustration mobile

    Get your New Mexico phone number with OpenPhone

    Small business phone numbers from New Mexico allow brands to access clients from any location. Get up and running in minutes with your new number in OpenPhone. Then easily collaborate alongside your teammates and streamline your business phone communications with advanced features.

    Sign up for a New Mexico phone number now with a free trial from OpenPhone.

    Frequently asked questions about local numbers

    How do I get a local New Mexico phone number?
    Can you buy a local New Mexico phone number?
    What are the New Mexico local area codes?
    Can I forward calls from my New Mexico phone number elsewhere?
    How many New Mexico phone numbers can I have?
    Can I port my existing New Mexico number to OpenPhone?

    List of all area codes in New Mexico

    Just a piece of advice. I used my personal cell number as the company number and I still regret it a decade later (I get so many stupid calls). Don’t do what I did. I wish I had a service like this 10 years ago!

    Michael Seibel
    CEO at Y Combinator

    Join thousands of companies using local phone numbers for
    their business

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