Get a North Carolina local phone number

With OpenPhone you can easily have a North Carolina phone number — no extra equipment and no fine print. Pricing for a North Carolina phone number starts at $15 per user per month.
Get a North Carolina local phone number - OpenPhone

North Carolina phone numbers

Should your business consider purchasing a North Carolina phone number? Here’s why successful enterprises benefit from buying local phone numbers in the Old North State.

Choose a North Carolina phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Another way to help facilitate your business's success in this state is to use local numers.

With a local North Carolina phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a solid foothold in this state.

What North Carolina local area code numbers are available?

OpenPhone makes it easy to get North Carolina area code numbers for your small business. Add as many as necessary to your cell phone and computer, including US, Canadian, or North American toll-free numbers.
Lookup customers in any part of North Carolina with these local area codes:


Area served

This area code currently services Charlotte, NC.
Greenville, Rocky Mount, and Wilson are only served by this single area code.
The cities of Elkin, Greensboro, and Statesville fall under this region.
Use this area code to call from Salisbury, Concord, Gastonia, Huntersville, or Kannapolis.
This area code covers the cities of High Point and Winston-Salem.
Asheville is one of the only major cities in this area.
Fayetteville, Wilmington, Jacksonville, and Lumberton fall into this area code..
The major cities of Raleigh, Cary, and Durham are serviced by area code 919.
The small town of Monroe is covered here.
This area code includes the city of Chapel Hill.

Port an existing North Carolina number.

Already have an North Carolina phone number you want to use with OpenPhone? Submit your porting request through the OpenPhone app. You can also port any other US, Canadian, or North American toll-free number to your OpenPhone Account.

How to get a North Carolina number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city or area code to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why your small business needs a North Carolina phone number

The Tar Heel State is nationally recognized for its surprising variety of manufacturing exports. Their workforce creates more than $200 billion in revenue in the production of tobacco, chemicals, and electronic parts, ranking 5th in the nation for manufacturing income per capita. Agricultural and fishing industries are equally as important to North Carolina’s economy, with a vibrant coastline bustling with commercial and tourism ventures. In larger cities, business services such as finance and insurance employ millions of local residents each year. The richness of North Carolina’s economic outlook, as well as its growing national importance, makes it the perfect opportunity for startups and small businesses.

To enter the marketplace with as much potential as possible, many seed-stage ventures choose to partner with one of North Carolina’s distinctive accelerators or incubators.

There are many current programs that exist for companies in the Old North State:
  • Launch Chapel Hill

    Primarily a co-working space, Launch Chapel Hill provides an accelerator program that commences twice per year. Tech resources and mentorship and offered to program cohorts, including networking and AWS credits. As an industry-agnostic program, all startups are welcome to apply.

  • First Flight Venture Center

    All science-based startups in the Research Triangle are welcome to apply to FFVC. Flexible leases provide access to more than 25,000 square feet of adaptable space, including wet labs, prototyping facilities, and office cubes. Seven unique programs are available for use, depending on unique business needs.

  • Center For Creative Economy

    Based in Winston-Salem, the CCE is passionate about developing businesses in the creative or liberal arts space. A nine-week accelerator is available to many industries, as well as a creative boot camp and a business network. Applicants are welcome to apply during the youngest stages of startup exploration.

  • Blue Ridge Food Ventures

    This accelerator offers 11,000 square feet of manufacturing space for startups in the food and beverage industries. Bottling, packaging, design, and compliance guidance are all available to active members. Additional services also include a shared-use kitchen, labor-assisted production, and branding consultations.

Why you should sign up for a North Carolina number through OpenPhone

Get started in minutes

Call and text from any computer or smart device without needing to buy extra hardware.

Save on all your communications

Save time on all communications.

Collaborate and share access

Share your number with teammates to send and receive calls and texts from that number.

Stay aligned

All calls, texts, and voicemail are in a single view so it’s easy to catch up conversations.

Automatically send texts

Respond back faster to your business contacts and automate routine text messages with auto-replies, snippets, and more.

Businesses love OpenPhone

OpenPhone is the #1 phone system on G2 as voted by other businesses.

Get your North Carolina phone number with OpenPhone

Thousands of businesses choose OpenPhone as their provider of choice for business phone numbers in North Carolina. You can contact all your customers in the Old North State by using virtual phone numbers and a wide variety of integrated features. Use any device to contact clients instantly while giving your team a more collaborative environment to work together and serve your customers.

OpenPhone’s seven-day free trial is all you need to get started.

Frequently asked questions

List of all area codes