832 area code

Get a Houston, Texas local phone number

Text and call Houston customers with a local number in area code 832. You keep your personal cell phone number private and activate a business number that helps you reach customers, easily accessible on your favorite device. With a business phone number in Houston, you can make and receive calls and texts, set business hours and custom messages for after-hours or missed calls, forward calls, and collaborate on business messaging. It’s all in a simple platform where business contacts stay in one place.

Plans start at $15 per user per month.

832 phone number

Build business relationships in this community by using an area code that locals recognize. Using an 832 phone number, many people are more likely to respond to your calls and not assume your call is irrelevant.
In area code 832, you can connect out to the 2,304,580+ population of Houston, Texas. 832 also covers the greater Houston area.

Important facts

But there are many city dwellers dialing and texting in the area, and you can find other area codes in this city. Area code 832 is an overlay area code for 713. Area codes 281 and 346 also serve as overlay area codes for the same area.

Area code 832 includes territory in nine counties. They are Harris, TX, Fort Bend, TX, Montgomery, TX, Brazoria, TX, Galveston, TX, Liberty, TX, Waller, TX, Chambers, TX, and San Jacinto, TX.

You can also find nearby area codes outside the Houston metro area. They are 361 (Corpus Christi, TX), 409 (Beaumont, TX), 936 (Conroe, TX), and 979 (College Station, TX).

Get a vanity phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Use local numbers to help your business succeed.

With a local 832 phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a foothold in the Houston, TX area.

Business stats from area code 832

A city’s income, employment, and industries have longstanding roots in its geography. Entrepreneurs built them through years of work ramping up operations, finding and using local resources, and developing great talent (and the amenities to attract it). Houston is no different. Where does it excel? We wanted to know, so we compiled some statistics about the business climate in this area code.

There are many significant employers in this Central Standard Time city. The top ten employers in town are Houston Independent School District (ISD), ExxonMobil, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Hermann Health System, Shell, Houston Methodist, Chevron, Texas Children’s Hospital, Schlumberger, and the City Of Houston.

They help elevate the median household income in Houston to $86,249 and keep the unemployment rate of Houston’s Harris County from rising above its current 8.9%. You might see some of these employers mirrored in the top industries of the area, which include diverse services:

  • Educational services, and health care and social assistance
  • Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services
  • Construction

Folks in Houston are also increasingly starting their own new ventures. The number of applications in Houston grew 39% from 2019 to 2020. Their survival rates are high in Texas, with 79.60% of startups making it through their first year.

Connecting with these entrepreneurs and other area businesses starts with a local presence in Houston. With a seven-day free trial from OpenPhone, you can try out local 832 phone numbers, make and receive calls, and start working in area code 832 right away.

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Try out calling and texting with an area code tied to this flourishing region and confirm OpenPhone is a great fit for your business by starting a free seven-day trial of OpenPhone.

Whether you're looking for a local Houston or North American toll-free number, getting started is simple.

See which specific 832 phone numbers are available and claim your own Houston, Texas number by signing up for a free trial. Here’s how it works: using our service, you can easily set up your local phone number without the need to install any additional hardware. Easily download and install our app, and find the right numbers for your business.

How to get a 832 phone number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city (Houston, TX) or area code (832) to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why do businesses sign up for a virtual 832 number with OpenPhone

Frequently asked questions about 832 phone numbers

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