Get a Washington local phone number

Grow your business faster than ever with a local Washington phone number — without worrying about expensive or outdated phone systems. Prices start at just $15 per user per month.

Washington Area Codes

Washington phone numbers
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How important is it to get a small business phone number from Washington? Find out why purchasing a number in the Evergreen State is critical to your commercial success.

Prove your business is a trustworthy Washington enterprise

Boost confidence in your business with familiar area codes based in Washington State. A local area code is a sign to your customers that you know them and understand their needs-which means they're much more likely to answer when you call them. Just add one or more local numbers to your OpenPhone account to reach clients in the Evergreen state quickly and professionally. If you wish to have numbers in more than one state, OpenPhone also provides US, Canadian, and toll-free numbers in North America.

Take and make calls to Washington from anywhere

Telephone numbers on OpenPhone can be used from any device, including desktops, cell phones, laptops, and more. You can make international calls or send SMS messages from anywhere - at home, in the office, or on the go. You don't have to be in Washington, or even in the US. Use OpenPhone to add additional local Washington phone numbers at any time.

Shared Washington numbers have better customer support

Give teams the power of collaboration using OpenPhone's number sharing capabilities. This system allows multiple teammates to call, message, or manage inquiries on a single Washington phone number, and eliminates unnecessary contact congestion with IVR and automated FAQ snippets. As your business grows, you can assign more Washington numbers to individual team members for personal support. Focus more on clients and less on stress with OpenPhone's powerful teamwork systems.

Combine Washington area codes with extra professionalism

Washington numbers with professional features set the tone for expectant customers. Use caller ID to enhance trust and phone menus to route calls to the right person within seconds. You can even add business hours so calls automatically route to an away voicemail greeting after hours and set proper expectations on when callers can hear back from you.
another way to help facilitate illustration

Another way to help facilitate your business's success in this state is to use local numers.

With a local Washington phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a solid foothold in this state.

What Washington local area code numbers are available?

All OpenPhone customers have unlimited access to local phone numbers in Washington. Choose from an endless amount of toll-free numbers in North America, or 10-digit numbers from Canada and the United States. Add as many as necessary to contact customers as soon as possible.

what area code numbers are available

Get in touch with any Washington client by using numbers with these prefixes:

CodeArea Served
206Seattle is the largest and most well-known city in this area code.
253This area code includes local phone numbers in Tacoma.
360Cities including Vancouver, Bellingham, and Olympia fall under this district.
425The 425 area code covers suburbs of Seattle, including Bellevue, Kirkland, and Renton.
509Many businesses choose the 509 area code to reach clients in Spokane.
564As a major overlay for code 360, this prefix covers most of Western Washington.

Port an existing
Washington number.
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Already have an Washington phone number you want to use with OpenPhone? Submit your porting request through the OpenPhone app. You can also port any other US, Canadian, or North American toll-free number to your OpenPhone Account.

How to get a Washington number

Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.
Then search by city or area code to select a specific local number.
Verify your account via credit card (you won't be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)
Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.
illustration of greeting through laptop screen

Why your small business needs a Washington phone number

The Evergreen State is considered to be one of the strongest economic districts in America. Washington ranked as the number one state for business development in 2017, with information technology as their strongest industry. Holding the largest number of STEM workers and second-highest amount of yearly patent claims, this state is known for its rapid innovation and high-tech solutions.

Retail trade is currently the state's third most profitable industry, generating more than $47.2 billion per year in revenue. Real estate and manufacturing industries follow closely behind, as well as professional and business services for enterprises of all sizes. Bolstered by enormous growth, it's clear that Washington phone numbers provide substantial opportunities to small businesses and startups.

As they grow, newer Washington businesses often turn to incubation or acceleration programs to become more competitive in the marketplace.

These popular choices have served thousands of startups across the State:

    • Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence - Established by Microsoft’s co-founder Paul Allen, the AI2 provides incubator and accelerator services to tech startups in the artificial intelligence industry. Long-term financing is provided, along with mentorship and cutting-edge technology. Startups don’t need to be located in Seattle to apply.
    • Cambia Grove - This unique incubator focuses on businesses in healthcare tech or innovation. Resources include the Impactful Innovation Exchange, a platform for sharing new ideas, and a data resource directory. Four major programs are provided: Under the Boughs, 5 Points of Healthcare, TRAILS, and the Innovator Fellowship.
    • Cascadia Cleantech Accelerator (CCA) - Startups in the cleantech space are welcome to apply for membership in the CCA. Mentorships and industry networking combine with exposure and investment opportunities to build successful businesses. Qualified applicants are encouraged to attend CCA’s cleantech conferences and showcases throughout the year.
    • CoMotion - University of Washington's flagship incubator focuses on early-stage startups for a variety of industries. Life sciences, hardware, and technology businesses each have access to their own lab spaces, equipment, and learning seminars. Personal office spaces are also provided to specific applicants. - University of Washington’s flagship incubator focuses on early-stage startups for a variety of industries. Life sciences, hardware, and technology businesses each have access to their own lab spaces, equipment, and learning seminars. Personal office spaces are also provided to specific applicants.

    Why you should sign up for a Washington number through OpenPhone

    Get started in minutes illustration
    Get started in minutes

    Call and text from any computer or smart device without needing to buy extra hardware.

    Save on all your communications illustration
    Save on all your communications

    Save time on all communications.

    Collaborate and share access illustration
    Collaborate and share access

    Share your number with teammates to send and receive calls and texts from that number.

    Stay aligned illustration
    Stay aligned

    All calls, texts, and voicemail are in a single view so it's easy to catch up conversations.

    Automatically send texts illustration
    Automatically send texts

    Respond back faster to your business contacts and automate routine text messages with auto-replies, snippets, and more.

    Business love OpenPhone illustration
    Business love OpenPhone

    OpenPhone is the #1 phone system on G2 as voted by other businesses.

    find local illustration mobile

    Get your Washington phone number with OpenPhone

    A local Washington phone number provides everything you need to reach customers and clients who want to talk to local business reps. Switch to OpenPhone's VoIP phone numbers with a local presence and enjoy instant activation and unlimited text messaging services. Virtual phone numbers in the Evergreen State are the next best investment for your growing business.

    Get new phone numbers with Washington area codes using a one-week free trial from OpenPhone.

    Frequently asked questions about local numbers

    How do I get a local Washington phone number?
    Can you buy a local Washington phone number?
    What are the Washington local area codes?
    Can I forward calls from my Washington phone number elsewhere?
    How many Washington phone numbers can I have?
    Can I port my existing Washington number to OpenPhone?

    List of all area codes in Washington

    Just a piece of advice. I used my personal cell number as the company number and I still regret it a decade later (I get so many stupid calls). Don’t do what I did. I wish I had a service like this 10 years ago!

    Michael Seibel
    CEO at Y Combinator

    Join thousands of companies using local phone numbers for
    their business

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