213 area code

Get a Los Angeles, California local phone number

Start calling from a custom business Los Angeles phone number in area code 213 with OpenPhone’s modern business phone app. Use your favorite device and an internet connection, and you can call or text from wherever you are to your customers from a local Los Angeles number. Once you activate your phone number, you can make calls, set up custom messages, and collaborate with your team, with all your business calls and texts in a single place.

Pricing for a new 213 number starts at just $15 per user per month.

213 phone number

Area code 213 was one of three original area codes assigned to California. Where is area code 213? It covers nearly the entire city of Los Angeles outside of the San Fernando Valley, including Hollywood, plus several smaller cities and unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County immediately to the south and east.

Important facts

Its principal city is Los Angeles, with a population of 3,898,747. This area code touches just one county — Los Angeles County, CA.

With millions flocking to its sunny west coast shores and glamorous Hollywood bungalows over the 20th century, area code 213 lost territory many times to new area codes. But for now, area code 213 has been restored to the entire downtown area (it overlays area code 323). More population growth in downtown Los Angeles likely means more overlays in the future, with area code 213 maintaining its current footprint.

With a boom of L.A. residents over the years and the demand for new cell phones and devices, many more area codes have sprouted in the area. Some nearby area codes are 310 and 424 (Los Angeles, CA), 442 and 760 (Oceanside, CA), 626 (Pasadena, CA), 657 and 714 (Anaheim, CA), and 747 and 818 (Los Angeles, CA).

Get a vanity phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Use local numbers to help your business succeed.

With a local 213 phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a foothold in the Los Angeles, CA area.

Industry snapshot: Business stats in area code 213

With a nickname like Tinseltown, it’s no wonder many people both in and outside of L.A. think the city’s economy relies on just one thing: Hollywood. While filmmaking (and music, entertainment, and creative arts in general) have lots of support here, the reality is more nuanced and much bigger than the studios that built early Los Angeles. While some estimate the creative industries that fuel our imaginations constitute almost 20% of L.A.’s employment, that leaves a massive chunk for other endeavors, from finance to agriculture, aerospace, and energy.

The top three industries according to the US Census Bureau for Los Angeles, CA, are:

1. Educational services, health care, social assistance

2. Professional, scientific, management, administrative and waste management services

3. Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services.

It makes sense that arts and recreation are linked to related industries serving all the visitors heading to these popular destinations (like accommodation and food). With all those tourists flocking to sunshine and amusement parks, businesses based on the appeal of visiting Los Angeles continue to increase.

In this Pacific Time Zone city, you can find a much more diverse group of large organizations dedicated to serving local needs, too. After all, those creative workers need transportation, schools, housing, and medical care — the stuff of a thriving city where millions live their everyday lives. These industries and employers contribute to the city of Los Angeles’ median household income of $101,006.

The top ten employers in Los Angeles, CA, are all working to decrease Los Angeles County’s 12.3% unemployment rate. They are the Los Angeles Unified School District, Kaiser Permanente, Northrop Grumman, UCLA, University of Southern California, Boeing, Bank of America, City of Los Angeles, The Walt Disney Company, and Amazon.

While the central city population has dipped .17% in Los Angeles from 2019 to 2020, the metro area continues to be a prime place for new endeavors. New business applications are up 23% in the same period. And those businesses are flourishing. The state’s startup survival rate is 81.80%, providing another a great signal to start or expand here. With a bustling startup scene and deep resources to tap, Los Angeles’ size is a draw for entrepreneurs aiming to maximize the potential of their business.

Los Angeles also ranked 20 for the most connected cities in America, showing it’s a prime place to build a local presence within.

With OpenPhone, you can choose a 213 area code number, test it out, and start customizing your business settings and messages in minutes. Start with a seven-day free trial and streamline all your work communication with the most easy-to-use and collaborative business phone platform.

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Try out calling and texting with an area code tied to this flourishing region and confirm OpenPhone is a great fit for your business by starting a free seven-day trial of OpenPhone.

Whether you're looking for a local Los Angeles or North American toll-free number, getting started is simple.

See which specific 213 phone numbers are available and claim your own Los Angeles, CA number by signing up for a free trial. Here’s how it works: using our service, you can easily set up your local phone number without the need to install any additional hardware. Easily download and install our app, and find the right numbers for your business.

How to get a 213 phone number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city (Los Angeles, CA) or area code (213) to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why do businesses sign up for a virtual 213 number with OpenPhone

Frequently asked questions about 213 phone numbers

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