331 area code

Get a Aurora, Illinois local phone number

Get a phone number in area code 331 in minutes with OpenPhone, the modern business phone system. You can easily deliver a professional presence and streamline your communication. Call and text from your existing cell phone or even a computer or tablet connected to the internet. It’s simple to communicate with Aurora customers in area code 331 wherever you are.

Plans start at just $15 per use per month.

331 phone number

If you’re looking to expand to this market or grow your business in area code 331, a local business phone number makes you appear local. Your calls are more likely to be answered. Your calls will be instantly recognizable to customers who see your caller ID. Plus, customers are more likely to see you as part of their community.

Important facts

Area code 331 covers a lot of space, including its major city, Aurora, IL, and its 180,542 residents. It touches 4 counties, including DuPage, Kane, Kendall, and Will.

That includes: Aurora, Naperville, Oswego; western suburbs of Chicago. Because of the growing demand for phone numbers, newly activated cell phones, and new residents, 331 has an overlay area code of 630. Both cover the same territory.

There are nearby area codes in the region, like 224/847 (Elgin, IL), 309 (Peoria, IL), 708 (Cicero, IL), 773 (Chicago, IL), 779/815 (Rockford, IL), and 872 (Chicago, IL).

Get a vanity phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Use local numbers to help your business succeed.

With a local 331 phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a foothold in the Aurora, IL area.

Business and industry roundup for area code 331

What is the business environment like for startups and small businesses in area code 331? After all, newcomers trying to establish a presence in a particular area do well knowing the lay of the land. With so much of the business climate centered on Aurora, we gathered a few vital stats to help you understand what work-life is like in area code 331.

Aurora residents are likely to work within one of the area’s top industries. According to census.gov, these are the most prominent sectors operating in the metropolis:

  • Manufacturing
  • Educational services, and health care and social assistance
  • Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services

There are plenty of opportunities in these large industries, with existing employers and infrastructure in area code 331. But you can also strike off on your own, fulfilling your customers’ needs in less common sectors. That gives customers local options for many more goods and services.

Starting a new business? You won’t be alone. From 2019 to 2020, new business applications in Aurora grew 29%. With all those new applications, many new businesses are striving to connect with residents in area code 331. And guess what? They are. The state’s startup survival rate is 78.80%, so many new businesses do well and prosper here.

Even so, the area code’s major city, Aurora, experienced a slight dip (-0.23%) in population between 2019 and 2020. Perhaps that’s because of the area’s 9.1% unemployment rate. Still, it could also represent residents looking outside the urban area for their next home, possibly moving elsewhere in Kane County or another county nearby. Aurora residents who make their homes in the city have a household mean income of $97,118.

Reach all the residents of Illinois in area code 331 with OpenPhone. Start a free, seven-day trial. You can start calling and texting today and establish a business presence near your biggest customers.

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Try out calling and texting with an area code tied to this flourishing region and confirm OpenPhone is a great fit for your business by starting a free seven-day trial of OpenPhone.

Whether you're looking for a local Aurora or North American toll-free number, getting started is simple.

See which specific 331 phone numbers are available and claim your own Aurora, IL number by signing up for a free trial. Here’s how it works: using our service, you can easily set up your local phone number without the need to install any additional hardware. Easily download and install our app, and find the right numbers for your business.

How to get a 331 phone number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city (Aurora, IL) or area code (331) to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why do businesses sign up for a virtual 331 number with OpenPhone

Frequently asked questions about 331 phone numbers

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