Get a Massachusetts local phone number

Your business can own a local Massachusetts phone number without the need for a second device or worrying about hidden fees. OpenPhone plans start at just $15 per user per month.
Get a Massachusetts local phone number - OpenPhone

Massachusetts phone numbers

Are you wondering whether your business needs a local Massachusetts phone number? Businesses just like your enjoy these benefits when they use virtual phone numbers.

Choose a Massachusetts phone number

Find memorable phone number for you and your business.

Another way to help facilitate your business's success in this state is to use local numers.

With a local Massachusetts phone number, you can effectively get in front of the right people and establish a solid foothold in this state.

What Massachusetts area code numbers are available?

With OpenPhone, you can get as many local Massachusetts phone numbers as your business needs, and quickly put them to use. Your business can also have numbers across the US and Canada and toll-free numbers in North America.
For local Massachusetts phone numbers, the following area code numbers are available:


Area served

339, 781
These two area codes cover Canton, Lincoln, Nahant, Waltham, Plympton, east central Massachusetts, and other Boston suburbs.
351, 978
The areas of Barre, Carlisle, Groveland, North Reading and northeastern Massachusetts are covered by these two area codes.
Western Massachusetts, including Springfield, Becket, Montague, New Ashford, South Hadley make use of this area code.
508, 774
With one of these area codes, your business can reach Berkley, Douglas, Oak Bluffs, Oakham, New Bedford, Worcester, and southeastern Massachusetts
617, 857
These area codes include Belmont, Everett, Quincy, Somerville, and Winthrop.

Port an existing Massachusetts number.

Already have an Massachusetts phone number you want to use with OpenPhone? Submit your porting request through the OpenPhone app. You can also port any other US, Canadian, or North American toll-free number to your OpenPhone Account.

How to get a Massachusetts number


Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account.


Then search by city or area code to select a specific local number.


Verify your account via credit card (you won’t be charged until your trial ends, cancel anytime)


Use the OpenPhone browser, desktop, or mobile app.

Why your business needs a Massachusetts phone number

Massachusetts hosts a diverse range of businesses that serve a wide variety of industries. Education and health services make up the bulk of Massachusetts employment. Other industries also play a significant role in the state’s economy. Manufacturing in Massachusetts is responsible for the creation of many computer and electronic products. The state’s technology industry is also rapidly growing. Massachusetts is also home to Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. Together, they are two of the top destinations for tourists from all over the world. Each of these industries presents an ideal opportunity for businesses to reach potential customers by phone.

There’s plenty of help in the state to get a small business or startup off the ground. Several accelerator and incubator programs make Massachusetts their home. They provide support to businesses looking to flourish in Massachusetts and beyond.

  • Cogo Labs

    Founded in 2005 as Adverplex, this incubator has helped some of the fastest-growing web companies in Boston get on their feet.

  • MassChallenge

    This is one of the largest accelerators in the state. It provides entrepreneurs with the resources they need to get up and running quickly and efficiently. In addition, they run MassChallenge Health Tech, for entrepreneurs in the digital health space.

  • Greentown Labs

    This incubator focuses on helping clean energy technology companies thrive. It provides the facilities, services, and resources that early stage businesses require in order to get started on the right foot.

  • MIT Enterprise Forum Cambridge

    The MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge provides coaching and mentorship programs for entrepreneurs who are founding or investing in new startups. It helps businesses to grow by showcasing emerging technology.

  • Qubic Labs

    This Quincy based incubator is dedicated to finding and supporting entrepreneurs in the fields of blockchain, government, and civic technologies. They provide founders in those industries with the mentorship and guidance of expert advisors.

Why you should sign up for a Massachusetts number through OpenPhone

Get started in minutes

Call and text from any computer or smart device without needing to buy extra hardware.

Save on all your communications

Save time on all communications.

Collaborate and share access

Share your number with teammates to send and receive calls and texts from that number.

Stay aligned

All calls, texts, and voicemail are in a single view so it’s easy to catch up conversations.

Automatically send texts

Respond back faster to your business contacts and automate routine text messages with auto-replies, snippets, and more.

Businesses love OpenPhone

OpenPhone is the #1 phone system on G2 as voted by other businesses.

Start using local Massachusetts phone numbers with OpenPhone

With a local Massachusetts business phone number, you can build trust and grow your business with Massachusetts communities. The virtual phone system provided by OpenPhone can get you started today. It provides access to everything you expect a business phone system to have, and more. That’s why OpenPhone is voted the top business phone platform on G2.

To get a Massachusetts phone number and start building your local presence with OpenPhone’s VoIP platform today, sign up for a free trial.

Frequently asked questions

List of all area codes