Your team may not always be available to take calls, but that doesn’t mean any potential customers have to slip through the cracks. With our latest update, we’re introducing more call-handling capabilities on our Business plan to help you support customers when you or your team is unavailable.
🌙 Call forwarding after business hours

Calls can now be automatically redirected to another number in your OpenPhone workspace or to an external number, such as an answering service, when it’s outside your set business hours.
⏩ Call forwarding during business hours
When you or your team is busy and unavailable to answer, you can automatically forward a call to an internal or external number as a back-up. Learn more in our Help Center.
🎙️ Audio messages without voicemail
Looking to funnel incoming callers elsewhere such as your website, email address, or to text messages? For calls outside business hours or unanswered calls, you can direct the call to an audio recording without the option to leave a voicemail.
Ready to check these updates out? Update your Web, Mac, and Windows apps.
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